Brave browser
Brave browser

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"At the risk of stating the obvious, we should not suspend critical thinking for anything we consume, no matter how impressive the results of AI models can be. "It's crucial to remind users that one should not believe everything an AI system produces, in much the same way one should not believe everything that is published on the Web," Brave said of Summarizer. Brave, which built its own LLM for Summarizer, offered cautions about its use. But LLM AIs don't truly know anything and their authoritative tone can be misleading.

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They can deliver impressive results, synthesizing coherent sentences and even writing essays about an immense variety of subjects. Large language models such as the one that powers ChatGPT are trained to recognize patterns from vast swaths of text from the internet. The AI revolution is taking this utility to a new level, for example with Bing's new AI-boosted search results and sometimes-fraught conversational abilities. Brave to darmowa, rozwijana na zasadzie open source przegldarka internetowa, której nadrzdnym celem jest zapewnienie jej uytkownikom prywatnoci i bezpieczestwa w trakcie przegldania internetu. Google for years has been adding more direct answers to search queries, showing maps, business hours, song lyrics and product recommendations along with traditional links to others' websites. It's a new example of an overhaul that's sweeping the search engine business.

Brave browser